We meet Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30 AM
at Eldorado Country Club
2604 Country Club Drive, McKinney, TX 75070
January 15, 2025
Future Events
1/21/25 - Board Meeting via Microsoft Teams
1/22/25 - Flag Partner Awards - Join us as we recognize and thank our flag partners for their hard work distributing flags throughout 2024.
1/29/25 -  Club Assembly - Please plan to attend for an update from Leslie Vashler on our club activities for the first half of this Rotary year, and what's ahead for 2025.
Executives & Directors
President Elect
Vice President of Fundraising
Nancy Melendez
Immediate Past President
Sunrise Rotary Foundation
Club Service Director
Membership Director
Vocational Service Director
Community Service Director
International Service Director
New Generations Director
Rotary Foundation Director
Public Image Director
Executive Director
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Program This Week
Joe Mazzola, City of McKinney
Joe Mazzola has held the position of Director of Organizational Development and Performance Management for the City of McKinney since 2017. His background includes over 30 years in the US military, where he rose to the rank of colonel and served as a commanding officer several times. His military decorations include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star and Meritorious Service Medals. Additionally, Joe served several years as President & CEO of a national, education-based nonprofit in Washington, DC.
He holds a Doctorate in Liberal Studies from SMU, a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from UT San Antonio, and a Master’s in Education & Human Development from George Washington University.  He and his wife, Laura, have sons who live in New York and Virginia, and a daughter who is an active duty Army officer stationed in Washington, DC.  
Coat and Blanket Drive
FINAL REMINDERPlease bring items to our meeting on 1/15/25. As a Winter Service Project we are collecting new and gently used coats and blankets that will be distributed to vulnerable youth in our community.
Past Due Accounts
During a recent financial audit it was discovered that many members have missing dues payments, possibly due to electronic invoices not being delivered. Treasurer Nicholas Medina will be contacting affected Rotarians and, if you receive a notice, please remit your dues payment as soon as possible.

Happy January Birthdays:

Krista Allen, 1/2
Tracy Pounders, 1/4
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ClubRunner 102-2060 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7
Need to make-up a meeting?
McKinney - Fridays at Noon, Ricks Chop House, 107 N. Kentucky, McKinney
Allen - Wednesdays at Noon, Tru Hotel, 1553 N. Central Expressway, Allen
Frisco - Thursdays at Noon, Stonebriar Country Club, 5050 Country Club Drive, Frisco
Melissa - Thursdays (time varies), Crossland Learning Center, 1904 Cooper St., Melissa
Plano - Thursdays at Noon, Gleneagles Country Club, 5401 W. Park Blvd, Ste. 200, Plano
Plano East - Thursdays at 5:30pm, Plano Housing Authority, 1704 G Ave, Plano
Plano Sunrise - Fridays at 7:00am, Norma's Cafe, 605 W. 15th St., Plano
Plano West, Tuesdays at Noon, Norma's Cafe, 605 W. 15th St., Plano