5/21/24 - Board Meeting, 6:30PM, Collin College McKinney Campus, 2200 W. University Drive, Ste.C126 (first floor by the fountain) All members welcome to attend!
5/22/24 - Brian Lauer, COO, Baylor Scott & White McKinney, BSWs Commitment to Community Service
***SPECIAL LOCATION*** Meeting will be held at BSWM, 5252 W. University Drive, McKinney
5/23/24-Memorial Day Flag Pickup
Help Needed at Flag Shed:
8:30-10:00AM & 4:00-6:30PM
5/28/24-Memorial Day Flag Return
Help Needed at Flag Shed 6:30-8:30PM
5/29/24 - Leslie Vashler, President-Elect, Looking Ahead to the 2024-25 Rotary Year
6/5/24 - Parker Ford, student, Oklahoma State University and former Interact Club President, will share details of his upcoming international service project
6/12/24 - Adam Jones, Director Main Street, McKinney Performing Arts Center
Club Service Director Larry Offerdahl will provide a progress update on the strategic plan that was created in 2022. Join us to hear more about the successes of the past two years, and objectives that will be the focus for the coming year.
Flag Program Service at "The Shed"
The Memorial Day holiday marks the beginning of our 2024 flag lease holidays and your help is needed. How can you get involved?
During "Flag Pickup" we need to load flags into the vehicles of our flag partners who will place the flags in subscriber's yards. We need help counting, checking lists and loading flags - about six Rotarians are needed for each shift. Flags 3'x5' and are on 10' poles.
During "Flag Return" we need to count flags, check lists, and return them to our storage units - about six Rotarians are needed for each shift.
"The Shed" is CubeSmart Self Storage, 1700 S. Central Expy., McKinney. The gate should be open during shift times, but if not just use the gate code (will be shared separately) or ask the office will let you in.
Dates and times for all 2024 holidays are listed in our bulletin - please select one or two to help with this fundraising effort and get to know your fellow Rotarians better.
Photos Needed
Have you taken photos this year of our meetings, projects or social events? If so, please share with Bobbi Wright as we look back on her term as Club President.
Attendance Make-Up
Need to make-up for a missed meeting?
Attend our monthly Board meeting
Help at flag shed
Attend club social events
Attend another club meeting or event
Attend a District Rotary event
Please remember to notify Club Secretary, Leslie Vashler, of your makeup so it can be recorded.